Findlay Reservoir A Popular Snow Day Destination

A lot of kids spent their snow day off school on Thursday doing some sledding at the Findlay Reservoir.

We spoke with Heather, who was there with her three boys and one of their friends.

She said they try to get out there whenever there’s enough snow.

One of the kids said he went down the hill at 147 miles per hour, but we’re not sure that checks out.

Heather said she’s usually just the one that carries the sleds up the hill, but every once in a while she hops on and enjoys the ride down as well.

(You can see her at the end of the video below in a tube with her kids)

If you didn’t have a chance to enjoy the snow on Thursday, it’ll be sticking around.

The high on Friday will only be about 20 degrees, and the high on Saturday in the low 30s.