Findlay Fire Chief Honored For Efforts In Addiction Epidemic

Findlay Fire Chief Josh Eberle was presented the 2020 CARES Award for his work in battling Ohio’s opioid and addiction epidemic. (video below)

The honor is presented annually by the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities to first responders, frontline workers, and community leaders who have gone above and beyond in helping individuals, families, and their community navigate the adverse effects of the epidemic.

As a result of the actions of recipients, lives have been saved, families have been helped and communities have benefited from their commitment to serving those in need.

Eberle was nominated for the award by the Hancock County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) and was one of only eight recipients in the state.

Eberle is a member of the Hancock County Opioid and Addictions Task Force, and has served on the Medical and Community Awareness Committees since 2017.

He has also served as a board member of ADAMHS since 2018 has worked with Hancock Public Health to promote the use of Narcan and distribution of Project Dawn kits.

Eberle was presented his award Monday morning in city council chambers by ADAMHS Director Precia Stuby and Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn.


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