FCS Going Fully Remote For Grades 6-12

Findlay City Schools is moving to a fully remote learning schedule for grades 6-12.

PK-5 will remain in their current 2-day per week hybrid model.

This change will go into effect on Monday, November 30th and last at least until Monday, January 11th.

“While we know remote learning is not optimal, we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition for all students,” said Superintendent Troy Roth.

In a school board meeting Monday night he stated the reason for the change is because they are having trouble finding enough substitute teachers.

He said it’s also getting difficult to even find enough food services staff to keep the students fed.

In September and October Roth says the district had 90 unfilled teaching positions.

In the first three weeks of November they’ve been short 174 substitutes.

Click here to view the Findlay City Schools daily COVID-19 reporting dashboard.

“As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this difficult situation,” Roth said.





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