WKXA Country Club

WKXA is inviting you to join the WKXA Country Club. We’ve got a lot of fun up our sleeves, and if you become a member of the Country Club, you’ll find out about all of it first!

You’ll receive emails from us letting you know about contests, concerts, ways you can get to know us, even ways to save money. Plus, you’ll have the unfair advantage when it comes to the really good prizes! We’re going to have a lot of fun, so take the time to sign up and join the WKXA Country Club and thanks for listening to Your Country Now 100.5 WKXA!”

To confirm your sign-up and activation, you will receive some emails for privacy.

Please allow emails from countryclub@wkxa.com and check your spam folder in the event they initially are sent there.

Questions required to answer are to provide us multiple ways of contacting you in case you are a lucky winner.
We don’t want to miss you! Please read our privacy guidelines at the bottom of the page.

If you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact publicfile@findlayoh.com