What I Learned During Quarantine

When 2020 began six months ago, I didn’t think I was going to have the experiences I had so far this year. I thought my 2020 was going to be filled with travel and celebrations. I planned to travel to Boston for a wedding, England for my honeymoon, and celebrate a new year with friends and family all year long. Instead, my travels were to various rooms in the house and I celebrated not having friends and family catch a deadly virus each week. Again…not at all what I thought my 2020 was going to look like.

Obviously, I’m not the only one whose 2020 was turned upside down. Every single person has had their 2020 completely changed by Coronavirus. Some are positive changes, some are negative changes, but all are changes that have taught us a lot about ourselves. I think it’s safe to say that everyone has learned at least one new thing about themselves over the past few months, thanks to Coronavirus.

For some, they’ve learned what their real hair color is after dyeing it for many years. Others have learned that teaching is extremely difficult, and teachers deserve so much more than they are given.

These are the things I’ve learned:

-I don’t need to shop as much as I think I do

-Learning new recipes is really fun

-A dishwasher wouldn’t be the worst thing to invest in

-I really enjoy going for long walks

-Gaining weight will always be easier than losing it

-Even as a germophobe, there are ALWAYS more steps you can take to sanitize and disinfect your home and yourself

-We definitely don’t cook at home as much as we thought we did

-I need to tip my hairstylist more money

-I’m more of an introvert than I thought

-There is no such thing as too much “King of Queens”

Hopefully what you have learned so far in 2020 stays with you, and you continue to be safe, thank essential employees, and look out for your loved ones.