New Time-Slot, Same Carla

I’ve been in my new time-slot now for a few weeks now, and I have to admit…I LOVE IT! Even though I’m on-air just a few hours earlier than my previous time-slow (3-7 PM), it’s a completely new audience with new opinions, ideas, and song requests. I felt like I’m new to the station all over again…but in a good way. It’s re-energized me and has allowed me to explore more topics to talk about. I still have my Foodie Friday and Question of the Day, but I’m also trying to make my new time-slot as exciting and refreshing as possible.

Hopefully I’m helping you get through your work day, or maybe keeping your day moving along while you’re on your way to class, or an appointment of some kind. Whatever the reason for tuning in from 10-3 PM, I’m glad you’re hanging out with me and letting me know what’s on your mind!