Coast Guard rescues 62 people stranded on ice in Wisconsin


(DOOR COUNTY, Wis.) — The U.S. Coast Guard worked with local and state agencies to rescue 62 fishermen who were stranded on three separate ice chunks that became detached from the shore Thursday in Door County, Wisconsin.

The ice broke about a half mile off shore and created a 1,000-foot gap between ice chunks and rough water, first responders told Green Bay ABC affiliate WBAY.

Two helicopters from Air State Traverse City responded to the incident and were able to get everybody off the ice.

The Door County Sheriff’s Office urged everyone to use caution on the ice as weather conditions changed with the snow and wind.

The Ephraim Firefighters Association Chief Justin MacDonald shared a strong warning for others on Facebook Thursday.

“No fish is worth getting injured, you also are placing every emergency responder in danger for your actions,” said MacDonald.

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