Hancock County Planning Several Road And Bridge Projects For 2020

The Hancock County Commissioners approved almost $4 million of road and bridge projects for 2020.

Hancock County Engineer Doug Cade explained that they have received about $1.5 million of additional funds thanks to the gas tax increase.

Cade added that they are also receiving around $300,000 from Ohio Public Works.

Cade explained that they evaluate the roads in the county before deciding which ones will be worked on.

The evaluations are based on condition and use as well as how much life the road still has.

He said this allows them to take care of the roads that need it the most first.

The county will work on 32 miles of roads and replace four bridges.

The road projects are estimated to cost over $2.7 million and the four bridge projects are estimated to cost around $1.2 million.

You can see what projects are planned and costs here.