Arlington Community Day

Our Community Day in Arlington this year was very bittersweet for me. It was sweet because Arlington is one of my favorite towns in Northwest Ohio. The food, the people, everything about it feels welcoming. It was bitter because it was our last Community Day for the year.

Our Community Days are one of my favorite things that we do here. Sometimes, when I’m on-air in the studio, I wonder if people are listening to me, if they know who I am. When we go out into the different communities and I get to talk to people face-to-face, it assures me that people are listening, and that I am reaching people. It’s great to see these towns have so much pride, and really value their communities. Growing up in Sylvania, I didn’t really get a chance to see that. Sure we would have pride in our city, but it was more of a competitive pride, trying to outdo one another. In towns like Arlington, I don’t see that. They help each other out, they build each other up, and they look out for one another.

I did my live broadcast out at Jac and Do’s. One of the things that stood out to me (besides the delicious food that I basically drooled over the entire time I was there) was the fact that everyone there knew each other in some way. No one could walk in or out without saying hi to someone, asking how their kids were, or talking about the “big game coming up”. There was laughter, hugs, and an all around infectious  positive spirit that I couldn’t help but be amazed by.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make our community day in Arlington possible. The pride you have for your town is obvious, and truly incredible.

Feathers, never change. You, sir, are a legend.