Stuff The Bus 2018

If I had to describe my experience with our Stuff the Bus event this year in one word, it would be: Inspiring. This was my second year being involved with Stuff the Bus, and just like last year, I was amazed at how generous people were with their time and donations. Every donation, whether it was a school supply or monetary, gave every child in our community the tools they need to have a successful school year.

That is inspiring.

To know that people still care about others and will take time out of their day to donate, volunteer, or both is incredible. What’s even more incredible is when the people donating their time and money are fellow classmates, just wanting to help their peers. Wow, what a sigh of relief to know that our future leaders may not be so clueless and self-absorbed after-all.

Stuff the Bus helped raise over $1600 in monetary donations, as well as so many pens, pencils, and folders that is was impossible to count. Over 250 backpacks were collected, as well as over 380 boxes of crayons, over 130 binders, and over 300 boxes of markers.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped make our Stuff the Bus 2018 a HUGE success! Your involvement with making sure every child in our community has a successful school year will be appreciated every time a child uses whatever you donated.