Community Day In Findlay

Another month, another Community Day for 100.5 WKXA. For the month of June, we decided it only made sense to celebrate the community that we call home, Findlay.

Mother Nature was definitely feeling the love for Findlay and cut us a break on the weather…for the most part. But as the warmth from the sun made it’s mark on me (I burn easily), so did the warmth from the citizens of Findlay. Like always, they’re kind, generous, and extremely proud to call Findlay their community. One of the things that always impresses me about the people of Findlay is their ability to reach out and help others in need, not just in their own community, but county, state, and nation wide, as well. There are so many wonderful programs, businesses, events and attractions in Findlay that bring the community together and make it the vibrant city it is.

I want to thank Josh and the entire staff at Heavenly Pizza for having us out to broadcast live for our Community Day. It’s always a pleasure to speak with Josh and be surrounded by delicious pizza. They are just one of the many businesses here in Findlay that are looking out for the community’s best interest and will do whatever they can to help keep this community happy. I also want to thank everyone that came out to speak with me both on-air and off. It was obvious they were excited to discuss what makes Findlay special to them, and why they appreciate this community.

I am extremely proud to work in Findlay. This community has welcomed me with open arms and continues to amaze me with their enthusiasm and generosity. I look forward to continuing to be a part of Findlay’s wonderful community. Go Trojans!