Community Day in McComb

Mother Nature was smiling down on us for our Community Day in McComb yesterday! It was a beautiful day to celebrate a beautiful town. One of my favorite things about McComb are the buildings downtown. I appreciate the history that refuses to leave. The older buildings and signs instantly take me back to a simpler time, and it’s part of what keeps McComb unique and special.

I did my broadcast from the VFW, and without giving the address, everyone in the town knew right away where to go to stop by and say hi to me. It’s a huge part of the town, and everyone appreciates what they do for their community.

When I asked people why they love McComb, every single person said it’s a town that looks out for one another. Not only does everyone know each other, but they make sure that everyone is okay, safe, and taken care of. You can’t find that attitude in large cities, and it was refreshing to know that feeling of community still exists in today’s world.

A huge thank you goes to everyone who helped us make our Community Day in McComb extremely successful! You’re a great town, and we can’t wait to be back next year!